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Activity : Études pour les adhérents

Description :

Heat pumps benefit from numerous advantages in comparison to competitive technologies: the reuse of waste heat, a high energy efficiency and relatively low carbon emissions. They are already used for the electrification of thermal processes using low and medium temperatures (generraly between 60°C and 90°C), and more widely for applications of decarbonisation. Moreover, the price ratio of electric and fossil energies in France is rather propitious for the development of heat pumps applications in the industry.

Recent teechnological breakthroughs led to the development of solutions of very high temperature (VHT) heat pumps, providing useful heat at temperatures above 100°C, for hot air, vapor or superheated water production.

This report  aims at presenting an overview of available VHT heat pumps for industrial applications :
  • In the first part, the working principles of heat pumps are explained, a as-exhaustive-as-possible list of currently available VHT heat pumps is drawn up, and attention is drawn to the specificities of the refrigerants used in these solutions.
  • In the second part, the overview is broaden to include alternative technologies (i.e. not based on the traditionnal thermodynamic cycle for heat pumps) able to provide heat at comparable ranges of temperature.

Areas of expertise : Integration of alternative energies

Activity : Études pour les adhérents

Description : The concepts of industrial and territorial ecology (ITE) and eco-industrial parks are very similar; the latter being more frequently used in the scientific literature. Both are at the origin of the same dynamics to reduce the environmental impact of industrial activities and, at the same time, increase their profitability.

In France, ADEME is leading a network to promote the concept of ITE, a concept that is beginning to take root. To date, 107 initiatives have been analysed in France, only 18 of which have led to concrete synergies.

There are different levels of collaboration that can be envisaged in an industrial zone to structure collaborative approaches to create eco-industrial parks:

  1. Information sharing
  2. Shared services (analytics, security, IT, social services, etc.)
  3. Waste management or recovery, creation of utility networks
  4. Exchange of by-products or material flows
This overview presents the current development of eco-industrial parks in France, details the processes by wich these parks are initiated and governed, and the various methods of data collection and analysis used to support them. It also analyses six french eco-industrial parks characterised by synergies of levels 3 and 4.

Areas of expertise : Energy Efficiency

Activity : Études pour les adhérents

Description : The use of heating represents more than half of energy consumption in France and is therefore a crucial lever for CO2 emission reductions and energy optimization, in particular through waste heat recovery technologies. Heat storage is an essential element to ensure the most efficient transfer of thermal energy when the production of heat (source) is uncorrelated with potential consumer uses (sink).

Although heat storage technologies are already relatively well deployed in the energy production and district heating networks sector, particularly for smoothing heat uses, they are still not very widespread in industrial activities, where the potential for recovering waste heat from thermal processes is high and where their use has major stakes.

Boosted by public policies to support financing, there is a growing interest from industry in the recovery of waste heat. In this context, it is essential that storage technologies be known and disseminated and their use well understood. The proposed study, whose first phase of technology intelligence was carried out by CETIAT in collaboration with CEA Liten, is therefore intended to promote the dissemination of heat storage systems in the industrial sector.

Areas of expertise : Energy Efficiency

Activity : Études pour les adhérents

Description : In the current context of industrial decarbonisation in France, process electrification is one of the solutions to be considered given the particularity of the French energy mix. In its National Low-Carbon Strategy (SNBC), France has set a target of 70% electrification of its industry by 2050 (final energy). In this context, ALLICE wished to shed light on the electrification potential of various industrial thermal processes, the profitability of electrical solutions (in substitution or in coupling with fossil energy technologies) and the avenues of innovation necessary to lift the technical and economic barriers. The realization of this collective study was entrusted to CETIAT and Cetim.

The study has prioritised five representative thermal processes covering different industrial sectors: pasteurisation, evapo-concentration, high- and low-temperature batch ovens, high- and low-temperature tunnel ovens, tunnel dryer. For each process are detailed:

  • The identification and characterization of compatible electrical technologies
  • A detailed techno-economic analysis of the partial or total substitution of fossil fuels by electrical solutions for the targeted processes, with sensitivity analyses to take into account the impact of changes in energy costs and relative to the carbon tax
  • Tangible feedback from the process studied
The conclusions of these techno-economic analyses highlight the advantages and obstacles to electrification, taking into account the specific features of each process. One of the major benefits of this study is to have this process-oriented analysis, and the positioning of each electrical technology with regard to operating criteria in the field. Indeed, the technical conditions of the processes have a strong impact on the viability or not of the electrical alternatives.

Areas of expertise : Integration of alternative energies

Activity : Études pour les adhérents

Description : By enabling the reduction of the carbon footprint of one of the most emitting economic sectors, industrial energy efficiency is one of the key levers of the energy transition. In France, many manufacturers have already made use of it, but the ADEME estimates that 20% of current industrial energy consumption could be further reduced through energy efficiency. Many players are positioned to respond to this challenge by offering increasingly innovative solutions. However, financing difficulty is one of the major hindrances to the development of such actions, given a certain number of risks that are very specific to projects involving both energy and industry worlds.

In this framework, ALLICE members have comissionned a study aiming to summarise the risks associated with funding energy efficiency industrial projects, and the coverage toolsto take them into account. This report is also designed to provide a decision aid with practical recommandations in order to support the emergence of energy efficiency projects, especially projects based on innovating technologies, wich could present higher investment risks. By elucidating the risks perceived by industrial operators, their funders and the means to overcome them, this report is destined to help accelerating investments in industrial energy efficiency. The study is resting on the existing literature and interviews of industrial operators and projects funders.

Areas of expertise : Business models and financing

Activity : Études pour les adhérents

Description : Digital technologies offer many opportunities to improve industrial competitiveness, especially in terms of energy efficiency. In this context, an ALLICE study investigated the potential of Energy Management System (EMS) software. This software is based on the growing use of data available within industry: Big Data.

This report aimed to add to the previous study by providing insights into Big Data Analytics and on potential applications for industrial data in relation to energy efficiency.

Areas of expertise : Digital transition

Activity : Études pour les adhérents

Description : This study presents a general modelling of drying phenomena to cover a wide range of convective hot air dryers and products, in very different configurations

The aim of this modelling work is to make the energy optimisation solutions proposed for convective dryers more reliable in the context of audits: for example, to analyse the impact of air recycling in the dryer on the drying quality of the manufactured product

This modelling has two components:

  1. Modelling of the product behaviour during dryin.
  2. Modelling of the dryer and the air movements around the product.
The study identified and generalized a large number of existing models to take into account a wide product typology, including clay, wood, grains, fruits, vegetables, etc.

Areas of expertise : Energy Efficiency

Activity : Études pour les adhérents

Description : This study takes interest in a key component of most heat recovery solutions : heat eachangers. The technologies in play, the geometries and fluids can vary tremendously depending on the applications.

In the first part of the study, the different heat exchanger technologies applicable for the recovery of energy from hot effluents discharged from industrial furnaces and dryers in the agri-food, metallurgy and glass industries are identified. Then are adressed the issue of fouling and the prevention and remediation methods proposed to avoid or diminish it. Finally, the feasability of 5 heat recovery cases are studied (4 in agri-food, 1 in glass) : identification of the optimal technology, adaptation measures to the nature of the effluent in order to prevent fouling, evaluation of the gross return on investment.

Areas of expertise : Energy Efficiency

Activity : Études pour les adhérents

Description : For purposes of a competititive and energy efficient industrial development, attention has recently been brought to the improvment of industrial air conditionnig and cooling systems.
Compression-expansion cycles have reached acceptable performances, but are challenged by the evolutions in regulation of use of liquid refrigerents (GWP : Global Warming Potential ; ODP : Ozone Depletion Potential). Therefore, the need to reach a durable, competitive and energy efficient production of cold has become a major challenge in industry.

This study presents a overview of recent cooling technologies, aiming to respect the new environmental regulations while maintaining/improving performances.

Areas of expertise : Energy Efficiency

Activity : Études pour les adhérents

Description : In France, the amount of heat loss in industrial processes is estimated at 109.5 TWh, wich is equivalent to 36% of the fuel consumption of the industry. Among these losses, 52,9 TWh are exhausted at temperatures exceeding 100°C. Half of the "heat deposit" is produced by agri-food and chemistry industries. Moreover, steams from dryers and fumes from furnaces represent respectively 30% and 38% of available exhausts.

This study targets these two industrial sectors in order to identify the constraints and technologies available to recover the heat carried by industrial steams and fumes. It also aims at highlighting opportunities for new heat recovery projects in the future.

Areas of expertise : Energy Efficiency