How we work
The cross-sectoral approach of ALLICE, an alliance dedicated to energy efficiency and the decarbonisation of industry, is the result of the complementarity of its founders. Representing different industrial sectors, they combine technical expertise and strategy, and guarantee an independent, open and balanced leadership.
Created in July 2018 on the initiative of CETIAT (Technical Centre for Heating, Air Conditioning and Air Handling Industries), which joined forces with Cetim (Technical Centre for Mechanical Industries), CTCPA (Technical Centre for the Conservation of Agricultural Products) and ENEA (consulting firm for the energy, environmental and societal transition), ALLICE is an initiative widely supported by ADEME and the DGE (the French Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Industry). The CTIF (the Industrial Metallurgy Technical Centre) and CTMNC (the Technical Centre for Natural Construction Materials) joined in 2020.
To ensure its sustainability and independence, ALLICE is a simplified limited company under French law whose economic model is mainly based on membership fees from supply and demand players and specifiers. As ALLICE is not intended to make a profit, all our resources, including our membership fees, are used for the benefit of the members and the operation of the alliance. Our resources allow us to conduct collective studies chosen by the members, whose results are evaluated by them and reserved for them. This pooling of funding allows members to have access to many more studies than they could carry out with their own budget.
Some actions aim to promote or represent the sector as a whole and are therefore open to all players in industrial sector decarbonisation, even if they are not members.
To ensure its sustainability and independence, ALLICE is a simplified limited company under French law whose economic model is mainly based on membership fees from supply and demand players and specifiers. As ALLICE is not intended to make a profit, all our resources, including our membership fees, are used for the benefit of the members and the operation of the alliance. Our resources allow us to conduct collective studies chosen by the members, whose results are evaluated by them and reserved for them. This pooling of funding allows members to have access to many more studies than they could carry out with their own budget.
Some actions aim to promote or represent the sector as a whole and are therefore open to all players in industrial sector decarbonisation, even if they are not members.
ALLICE's governance is ensured by a supervisory board, comprising the shareholders and founders. It is responsible for strategic management, the approval of its main orientations and major budgetary decisions.
From an operational standpoint, the steering committee deploys the strategic vision laid out in an annual action program. It is made up of shareholder representatives and is chaired by the Executive Chairman, Christophe Debard, assisted by ALLICE's Director, Eliéta Carlu. It oversees the implementation of collective studies, collaborative projects, events and the tangible coordination of the sector to meet the needs expressed by the Club Prime members, with advice from the orientation committee.
Club Prime is a place where members can exchange ideas with their peers to identify ways of improving the situation for all, compare their views on sectors with similar concerns, propose study topics, discuss collective actions, select and evaluate them.
From an operational standpoint, the steering committee deploys the strategic vision laid out in an annual action program. It is made up of shareholder representatives and is chaired by the Executive Chairman, Christophe Debard, assisted by ALLICE's Director, Eliéta Carlu. It oversees the implementation of collective studies, collaborative projects, events and the tangible coordination of the sector to meet the needs expressed by the Club Prime members, with advice from the orientation committee.
Club Prime is a place where members can exchange ideas with their peers to identify ways of improving the situation for all, compare their views on sectors with similar concerns, propose study topics, discuss collective actions, select and evaluate them.