Our ecosystem
ALLICE's vocation is to gather expertise across the different sectors of industrial decarbonisation and energy efficiency: as of its creation, our structure has drawn on existing capabilities and pooled them to facilitate the emergence of collective and collaborative projects, without replicating already existing structures.
This vocation is reflected in the complementary skills of the founders and shareholders and in the representativeness of our nos members, ranging from solution providers, industrial operators, energy specialists to specifiers. It is developed through a network of partners who support us at diverse levels: technical, financial, facilitation, academic expertise, etc. They are called upon to :
- Give their opinion on the choice of projects led by ALLICE, either by participating in the orientation committee or during ongoing informal exchanges.
- Provide specialized expertise on specific subjects. When we launch a new project, we turn to a partner who is a reference in the field : as the scope of topics we can deal with is very broad, this way of working enables us to avoid any redundancies with existing projects and thus optimizes the allocation of our ressources to what is « strictly necessary ».
This ecosystem of partners is a strength for ALLICE because it gives us real institutional, scientific and industrial legitimacy, while allowing us to keep a small permanent team that guarantees the agility required to keep up with rapid evolutions in our sector.
Among our partners :
- Institutional and financial : we particularly thank ADEME and the DGE (French government) for their involvement since the launch of ALLICE.
- Large-scale operations in the sector : the I Decarbon platform, and the Comité Stratégique de Filière Nouveaux Systèmes Energétiques (New Energy Systems Strategic Committee, an offshoot of the French Ministry of Industry).
- Facilitation and promotion of our work :
- ATEE, with whom we are very involved in the development of new Standard Operation sheets for industry.
- Competitiveness clusters and organizations: PEXE, Axelera, Tenerrdis.
- Scientific and academic expertise thanks to our scientific committee :
- CEA Liten, present at our side since the creation of ALLICE.
- French academic and university laboratories: LGC (Chemical Engineering Laboratory), LRGP (Reactions and Process Engineering Laboratory), LAGEPP (Automation and Process Engineering Laboratory), Mines ParisTech.
Depending on the projects, we also work with other research centres to benefit from their specific expertise: IEA, CNRS, GT Energie of the SFGP (French Society of Process Engineering), IFRF (International Flame Research Foundation) and ANCRE (National Alliance of Coordination of Research for Energy).
Our network of partners is not set in stone and evolves according to the expertise we are looking for. Do not hesitate to contact us to participate in our work!