Study / Risks coverage for funding energy efficiency projects in industry
By enabling the reduction of the carbon footprint of one of the most emitting economic sectors, industrial energy efficiency is one of the key levers of the energy transition. In France, many manufacturers have already made use of it, but the ADEME estimates that 20% of current industrial energy consumption could be further reduced through energy efficiency. Many players are positioned to respond to this challenge by offering increasingly innovative solutions. However, financing difficulty is one of the major hindrances to the development of such actions, given a certain number of risks that are very specific to projects involving both energy and industry worlds.
In this framework, ALLICE members have comissionned a study aiming to summarise the risks associated with funding energy efficiency industrial projects, and the coverage toolsto take them into account. This report is also designed to provide a decision aid with practical recommandations in order to support the emergence of energy efficiency projects, especially projects based on innovating technologies, wich could present higher investment risks. By elucidating the risks perceived by industrial operators, their funders and the means to overcome them, this report is destined to help accelerating investments in industrial energy efficiency. The study is resting on the existing literature and interviews of industrial operators and projects funders.
In this framework, ALLICE members have comissionned a study aiming to summarise the risks associated with funding energy efficiency industrial projects, and the coverage toolsto take them into account. This report is also designed to provide a decision aid with practical recommandations in order to support the emergence of energy efficiency projects, especially projects based on innovating technologies, wich could present higher investment risks. By elucidating the risks perceived by industrial operators, their funders and the means to overcome them, this report is destined to help accelerating investments in industrial energy efficiency. The study is resting on the existing literature and interviews of industrial operators and projects funders.