
Study / Heat storage in industry

The use of heating represents more than half of energy consumption in France and is therefore a crucial lever for CO2 emission reductions and energy optimization, in particular through waste heat recovery technologies. Heat storage is an essential element to ensure the most efficient transfer of thermal energy when the production of heat (source) is uncorrelated with potential consumer uses (sink).

Although heat storage technologies are already relatively well deployed in the energy production and district heating networks sector, particularly for smoothing heat uses, they are still not very widespread in industrial activities, where the potential for recovering waste heat from thermal processes is high and where their use has major stakes.

Boosted by public policies to support financing, there is a growing interest from industry in the recovery of waste heat. In this context, it is essential that storage technologies be known and disseminated and their use well understood. The proposed study, whose first phase of technology intelligence was carried out by CETIAT in collaboration with CEA Liten, is therefore intended to promote the dissemination of heat storage systems in the industrial sector.

Executive summary