Potential for electrification of industrial thermal processes - Phase 2
In the framework of its activities to stimulate innovation and energy efficiency in industry, ALLICE realised a study on the potential for electrification of several industrial thermal processes and the competitivneess of the various electric solutions available on the market.
In 2021, CETIAT and CETIM realised for ALLICE a first study on Potential for Electrification of thermal Processes ("PEP 1"), focusing on the analysis of the technical and economic potential of substitution by electric solutions at the scale of an industrial site, as well as the innovation prospects for electrification .
In 2021, CETIAT and CETIM realised for ALLICE a first study on Potential for Electrification of thermal Processes ("PEP 1"), focusing on the analysis of the technical and economic potential of substitution by electric solutions at the scale of an industrial site, as well as the innovation prospects for electrification .
As a complement to this first study, ALLICE commisssioned ENEA Consulting for the relisation of a second study ("PEP 2"). The aims of this study are to broaden the analysis scope of PEP1 to a national scale in order to provide a overview of the potential for electrification in various industrial sectors from now to 2035, and to provide a critical trend analysis of electrification, in particular regarding the long term evolutions of energy prices.
The study comprises three parts :
- Calculation of a maximal techno-economic potential for electrification of industrial processes in France form now to 2035 ;
- Impact assesment of the long term evolution of energy and CO2 prices on the electrification potential, according to 3 different scenarii ;
Assesment of the capacity of the French electricity grid to support large-scale industrial electification