
Decarbonised gases and process electrification: discover the key lessons from our work , now available in english !

On 06|07|2022 Published on 06|07|2022

    As the French electricity mix is among the lowest-carbon in Europe, the electrification of thermal processes appears to be a major lever for decarbonisation for industrial players, in particular for low-temperature thermal uses or for certain specific processes for which high-efficiency technologies exist. Of the 258 TWh of consumption related to thermal processes, 240 TWh are not currently electrified, so 29% can be electrified by 2035.

    Electrification will make it possible to reduce direct CO2 emissions from French industry by up to 21% by 2035 (median scenario) in the maximum estimated potential (case with 29% electrification above).

    Nevertheless, electrification is an essential but not sufficient solution to achieve decarbonisation objectives. Other solutions are therefore necessary to consider, and the integration of decarbonised gas appears to be a strategic and complementary solution for these processes.

  • ACCESS TO THE PUBLIC REPORT : PotentIAL FOR THE INTEgration of decarbonised gases IN INDUSTRY

    The maximum theoretical potential for electrification is 29% by 2035. Other decarbonisation solutions must therefore be considered, and the integration of decarbonised gas appears to be a strategic and complementary alternative when electrification is not relevant.

    In this context, a sharp increase in the consumption of decarbonised gases in industry is expected, particularly for certain very high-temperature processes, especially in the terracotta and steel sectors. Feedback on the integration of decarbonised gases in industrial processes is already available. In the future, the place of each of these gases and their level of penetration will depend on the evolution of the production sectors, the level of support for these sectors, as well as the technological choices made for each of the other French energy uses. For example, boilers will be able to more easily accept raw gases such as biogas or syngas. On the other hand, the use of decarbonised gases in ovens is more complex, but there is greater interest in their use for cooking.